Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Has Olmert Gone Berserk

Only a total idiot claims it’s raining when someone spits him in the face.
Once again, Olmert has proposed releasing 250 convicted Fatah terrorists as a “good will gesture.” One wonders if Olmert is the Prime Minister of Israel or of the Palestinians.
He acts like a bull let loose in a china closet. Every minute this mad-man remains in office it threatens the very existence of Israel. The blood of the many future innocent people that will chas veshalom be blown up by these freed barbarians will surely be upon the hands of anyone who releases these murderers who can be relied upon to continue their trade despite all promises to the contrary.
We have seen this happen over and over again. Many of those who have killed innocent Israelis were found to have previously been released from Israeli prisons for “good” behavior or in exchange for “good will gestures.” Olmert’s hands drip with the blood of these innocent victims; yet, he still has not learned any lessons and continues with his madness.
Despite the Winograd Committee report showing his incompetence as a leader and his near zero ratings at the polls, he continues his obstinate refusal to resign. Only a total imbecile can ignore these findings. It’s high time he be examined by a good psychiatrist and given a free bed in an insane asylum.

S’dom Council of Human Rights

In S’dom, human rights were protected by the constitution. Therefore, when a guest would check in to a local hotel, he was given a comfortable bed and both his hands and feet were tied. The people of S’dom each exercised their rights to pull him in different directions in order that he fit the size of the bed.

Today’s United Nations Commission on Human Rights fares no better. The only rights they seem to be concerned with are the rights of killers and terrorists who blow up innocent women and children. They keep pouring more and more “humanitarian” aid money into the pockets of their “moderate” leaders who spend it on buying more suicide belts, Kassam rockets, and to line their own pockets and bank accounts.

Millions of people suffer under brutal dictatorships in all parts of the world and the Council of Human Rights shuts its eyes. Only when Israel targets a well-known terrorist, does it cry out and claim that his human rights were violated.

Targeted killings of terrorists are forbidden and their leaders are rewarded with the Nobel Peace Prize for their “cooperation.” Peace treaties are ignored before the ink is dry, and the only time a cease-fire is called is when Israel begins to take a protective offensive. Ahmadinejad can continue his threats of annihilation and is even given a podium at the UN.

Israel is pressured into giving up more land in exchange for more Kassam rockets being fired into its cities and towns, and to give the Palestinians a state all their own so that they can build their weapons whose aim is to chas v’shalom destroy Israel without any interference.

The blind mice running the Israeli government are too busy dogging the ever-increasing investigations into their own improprieties to respond to the Kassams hitting their cities.

Fortunately, we have a Merciful G-d in Heaven who has filled our enemies with hatred for one another, and are doing the job that we have failed to do. We wish them both great success in annihilating one another.

One highly doubts that the S’dom Commission on Human Rights is going to protest.

The War Against Sisra at Har Tavor

Shoftim chapter 4

Life for the Bnei Yisroel living in Eretz Yisroel in ancient times was fraught with great danger. There were constant wars with the surrounding enemies. After the death of the great leaders such as Yehosua bin Nun and the other Shoftim who had led the Bnei Yisroel in battle and conquered much of the land, the Jews did not do a clean sweep of the land as Hashem had commanded them. There were still many pockets where the Canaani remained, and their influence had a disastrous effect on many of the Jews who lived among them. Idol worship and immorality spread, and many Jews started imitating the ways of those they lived amongst.
Hashem unleashed His wild dogs and snakes such as Amolek, the Midyonim, and our other bitter enemies, to attack the Jews in order to get them to do teshuvah and repent for their terrible misbehavior. When they returned to Him once again, Hashem, like a merciful father, forgave them and things became quite and peaceful for another few years.

However, as time went by, the lessons were soon forgotten, and the strong desire and urge to serve foreign gods and follow in the abominable ways of the Canaani spread like a raging fire. The Yetzer Horah that enticed the people to serve idols was so strong that it easily overpowered all reason and logic. It was somewhat like a person on drugs who knows that his habit will eventually lead to disaster and death, yet, he finds it extremely difficult to kick his habit. The yetzer horah to serve avodah zorah was so powerful and enticing, that in latter years, the rabbis had no choice but to destroy it completely. It is said that had we lived in those times, we would have crept on our hands and knees to kiss and worship it.
Before entering the land, Moshe Rabbeinu had warned them to remove every last one of the seven nations and destroy all their idols. Little do people realize how easily one is influenced by his surroundings. Just take a look at the sad state of affairs we are in today, with the rate of intermarriage on the increase, and much of the street’s immoral lifestyle slowly penetrating into so many of our homes.
Like today’s suicide bombers who have made many of Israel’s roads unsafe, the Jews in ancient times feared traveling because of the ambushes and terrorists that were hidden on the sides of every road. Traveling was fraught with danger and people were frightened to leave their homes.
Fortunately, there lived one very special wise woman by the name of Devorah from the Shevet of Naaftolie. She would sit under a date tree all day. Thousands of Jews flocked to her to hear her sound advice. She judged the people with her great wisdom, and honesty, and sense of justice. Devorah herself was very rich, owning many date trees and olive groves, and did not accept any money for judging or helping her people.
She was an extremely pious and righteous woman, who ultimately merited having Hashem’s Holy Spirit rested upon her. She was one of the seven prophetesses mentioned in Tanach. She would very meticulously prepare very thick wicks for the Mishkon which at that time stood in Shilo. She wanted the lights to shine bright and strong. She gave these wicks to her husband Barak who would personally deliver them to the Mishkon.
One day, when her husband Barak was away from home, the spirit of Hashem rested upon her and commanded her to tell her husband to go to war against the army of Sisra, the most hated and powerful enemy of the Jews. Obviously, women don’t go to war and therefore Hashem had given the job to her husband. She told him that Hashem had commanded that he select 10,000 men from the tribes of Naftolie as well as from her neighboring tribe of Zevulon and gather them together on the very top of the small nearby mountain named Tavor. Hashem will entice Sisra to attack, and you can rest assured that Hashem will be on your side and you will be victorious.
Her husband Barrack was afraid of going into battle against such a powerful army, and therefore told her that he needed her help and that she should accompany him in battle in order to reassure his soldiers that Hashem would indeed make them victorious. He was also afraid that he was not worthy of such a great miracle.
Devorah agreed to accompany him. However, she made it clear to him that he will not get the credit for the victory but rather the victory would be credited to a woman.
This didn’t seem to faze Barak in the least, and he now went about putting together his army which consisted of 10,000 untrained soldiers, poorly equipped to fight against a far superior well trained army that was equipped with the most advanced equipment of ancient times. Sisra possessed 900 iron chariots capable of defeating even the best horsemen.
Some of the people from Shevet Menashe joined Barak’s army.
When the mighty general Sisro heard that that the Jewish army stood ready to do battle with him and were stationed on top of the mountain of Tavor, he immediately decided to take his army and attack them. He was sure that having 900 iron chariots he could easily wipe them all out. When the surrounding kings heard that Sisro was going to go to battle against the Jews, they too decided to join him in order to help him drive all the Jews out of the land which they considered as theirs. They felt that now was an opportune time to put an end to the Jewish invaders who had stolen their land.
Sisra’s massive army assembled next to the narrow brook of Kishon that runs near the base of the mountain.
It was now midnight, the night of Pesach when Jews celebrate their freedom from Egypt. It was a special night upon which throughout history, countless miracles would occur. Devorah gave Barak the signal to attack. Despite the unbelievable odds Barak was up against, Barak courageously led his men down the mountain at great speed, putting his entire faith in Hashem. Suddenly, the Canaanite soldiers heard deafening sounds which led them to believe that thousands of horses and chariots were approaching. They began to panic and fled for their lives. As they began to flee Hashem changed the path of the stars and shooting stars and meteorites began coming down from the sky causing their armor to get burning hot. Seeing the nearby Kishon river, they jumped inside to cool off. Suddenly another great miracle occurred and the small stream turned into a raging river drowning the soldiers together with their horses.
( Note: They tell a story that when the Jews attacked the city of Tzfat and Yerushalayim during the 1948 war of independence the Jews had a large cannon which made a deafening noise but could do very little actual harm. Yet, when the Arabs heard the loud noise they all fled for their lives and the Jews captured the city of Tzfas with great ease. The gun now stands as a monument in Yerushalayim, which a posuk from the novi inscribed under it. It reads “V’haginoshi all hoir hazos l’manch u’leman Dovid avid.)
Barak and his army continued to give chase killing all those who tried to flee. The great and mighty general Sisra ran for his life trying to escape his pursuers. As he ran past a group of tents belonging to Chaiver Hakaini who was a descendant of Yisro, A women named Yael spotted someone running in her direction. She immediately recognized that it was none other then General Sisra. She was a very wise woman and immediately thought of a plan to capture him.
“Quick, get into my tent so that I can hide you,” she suggested as if trying to be of help. “I’m sure no one will think of looking for you in my tent,” she said with great cunning.
Sisra accepted her invitation and quickly entered her tent. She told him to lie down on the bed and covered him with a blanket for added safety.
Sisra was exhausted and thirsty and asked her for some water. Instead of giving him water she gave him a few cups of milk which makes one sleepy. He asked her to stand guard outside the tent in order to make sure that no one would come inside to look for him.
As soon as she saw that he had fallen asleep, she pulled out one of the pegs which held up the tent as well as a hammer. Walking silently to his bed, making sure he doesn’t wake up, she carefully placed the peg on his forehead and with one mighty blow of the hammer she drove the peg straight into his forehead smashing it to bits. The wicked Sisra had finally received what he deserved.
As Barak futilely searched for the missing general, Yael now emerged from her tent as she saw Barak running past her; she invited him in to show him that his prized possession who he chasing after lay dead on the bed, with blood splattered in all directions. It was a woman who would now receive all the glory for her brave and courageous act.
On that day Devorah sang a beautiful song thanking Hashem for the all the great miracles they had all witnessed.
In the meantime, Sisra’s mother peered through the window wondering why her son had not come home yet. She was expecting to hear a victory parade marching by her house. When she sudenly heard the terrible news of his death, she gave out a piercing cry. This is the same cry which we blow with the shofer on the holy day of Rosh Hashana when we cry out for Hashem’s Heavenly mercy

Supporting the Lesser of the Two Evils

It’s rather surprising that normal intelligent people can lose it and support the “moderate” Fattah against the extreme Hamas. That’s like choosing between Hitler and Stalin y.s.v..
Any weapons given to one will eventually fall into the hand of the other, and ultimately be used against Israel. The only difference between the two is that one wants to behead us with a knife, while the other wants to blow our head off with a hand grenade. I’m not sure which is the more “moderate.”
The Fattah forces that were armed by the West collapsed like a hot-air balloon with Hamas taking all their weapons.
There seems to be something totally wrong with our way of thinking in our war against terrorism. There are no partial solutions or middle path. Every small child is a future terrorist. It’s not a game of catch where one can stand on a base and be safe. It’s a real war and nothing less. There is no time out for the terrorists to rearm themselves. Threats or annihilation must be given full credence and not be brushed aside as empty rhetoric as was done before World War Two. One must take the offense and not wait for the “world” to come to our aid as we have foolishly done in the past. The only peace agreement that lasts is the one made with those resting in the cemetery.

Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum

It’s Never Too Late

Meshulum was a very special boy. He was the youngest son of Yossel Rosenfeld a very religious and pious man who lived in N.Y. Yossel Rosenfeld was blessed with great wealth and there was nothing he wouldn’t do for his dearest and most precious son Meshulum who was the apple of his eye. Meshulum was a very conscientious student and his teachers only had the best things to say about him. Everyone had high hopes for him and was sure that he would bring great nachas to his parents and rebbeiyim. He was the envy of all his friends, the perfect child that everyone looked up to. He could be seen bent over the Gemora learning late into the night, even after most of his friends had already left the Bais Medrash. His impeccable good middos were something everyone admired. He always stood ready to do others a favor and to help when he was needed.
The change came about slowly. It started when he was just 17 years old. Yossel didn’t know what had snapped in his son’s head. It happened after the sad passing of his dear mother, after a long and extended illness that took a terrible toll on the entire family. That’s when things began to change. It started with small subtle changes that were barely noticeable. His hair grew a little longer. His clothes were a little flashier. His interests began to change. He’d come home late at night without telling his father where he had been. He began to hang out with friends who were far from “yeshivish” and who had a strong negative influence on him
His father was very busy at work keeping very late hours and didn’t spend much time with him. Things weren’t as easy as they had been years earlier and business had taken a turn for the worse and Yossel was forced to spend longer hours at his office. When he came home, he was far too exhausted to spend any meaningful time with Meshulum. The only time he really saw his son was on Shabbos, but by then he was already quite exhausted.
What happened next came as a total shock and surprise. “Daddy,” said Meshulum on one bright and early Sunday morning toward the end of June as vacation was about to start. “I’ve decided to take a trip to India this summer with some of my friends. I just wanted to say good-bye to you before I leave. They’ll be coming to pick me up any minute.”
Yossel couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He nearly fainted on the spot. “You’re going to India? With whom? What does a frum boy like you have to do in India?” Yossel was in total shock. Yossel felt like the world was opening up under him and swallowing him alive. Had his dearest son’s mind snapped? Was he for real?
“Dad, I’ve already bought and paid for the ticket and my mind is made up. Nothing in the world will get me to change my mind. I’m going and that’s it. I do hope you’ll be able to manage without me for a while.”
Yossel tried reasoning with him but all his arguments fell on deaf ears.
“The deal is closed dad. You’re just wasting your time. I’m old enough to make my own decisions in life. Have a nice day dad, and I hope to see you when I get back.”
The doorbell rang as Meshulum grabbed his small suitcase and ran outside to the waiting car. His father jumped into the car along with him hoping that on the way to the airport he’d be able to convince him to change his mind. Hot tears streamed down his eyes and he broke down and began to cry. If only his mother had been alive she certainly would have been able to convince him to stop this madness. But she was gone. Gone to a better world where there is no more suffering and pain.
As he stood there saying his last goodbye to his dear and precious son whom he loved more than anything in the world, he asked him once again. “Meshulum, tell me the truth. What does a frum boy like you have to seek in India of all places? Come with me and I’ll take you for a trip to our homeland. Let’s instead go to Eretz Yisroel. I’ll take you to all the holy places. We’ll go daven at the Western Wall.”
“Dad,” said Meshulum as he looked into his father’s sad and painful face. “Perhaps I’ll take you up on the offer some other time but for now I’ve decided to go to India. I must admit that I am no longer as religious as I used to be. Things have changed. I hope you’ll forgive me, but I must be going. The flight will be leaving shortly and I want to get a seat next to my friends.”
Yossel’s face turned as red as a beet. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Forgive you?” he shouted out in great anger. “After all that I have given you? After all that you’re dearest mother, may she rest in peace, has done for you when she was alive? This is the thanks I get in return. This is how you treat an old and broken father? From now on, I don’t want to know you. If you’ve decided to abandon all that’s precious and dear to a Jew, then I don’t want to see you ever again. You’re not my son. You can bet by my life that I will never forgive you.”
With those strong parting words said in great anger, Yossel turned around, began walking away, and burst out crying, releasing a river of tears that flowed straight out from the depth of his broken heart. He now knew that he had lost the greatest treasure he had in the world.
Those were the last words Meshulum was ever to hear from his father.
Three years past. Meshulum had the time of his life in India. There was no end to his worldly pleasures. Unfortunately, his tefillin lay in a corner collecting dust. Shabbos was just another ordinary day in the week. His yarmulka was hidden away in a drawer. By the way he dressed one would find it hard to recognize that he was Jewish. His tzitzis had vanished a long time ago, and his payos were far too short to be noticed. The only thing that seemed to creep up in his mind from time to time was his father’s last parting words. ”I’ll never forgive you Meshulum, never!” They seemed to sink deeper and deeper into his subconscious mind not giving him any rest. Many times he tried calling his father on the telephone but there was no answer. He tried writing him, but he received no reply.
One day, as he was walking about in the marketplace looking around at the wares the vendors were displaying and munching on some treif sandwich he had just bought, he suddenly met an old friend that he had known from New York. At first his friend could not recognize him.
“Can’t you recognize we?” said Meshulum to his childhood friend.
His friend looked at him in shocked amazement. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His pierced right ear with a ring hanging from it, the necklaces and chains around his neck, and the other strange clothes he wore made him look like a total stranger. It was only when Meshulum gave him his name that he put two and two together and shook his head in disbelief. They sat down and began to talk, discussing some of the things that happened back home since he had left. Suddenly his friend turned to him and said, “I’m really sorry to have heard about your father.”
About my father,” replied Meshulum in astonishment. “What happened to my father?”
His friend looked at him in great disbelief. “Didn’t you hear? Your father died nearly a half a year after you left him from a heart attack.”
However, the next sentence pierced his heart like a sharp sword. “They say the heart attack was caused because of the great pain you caused him when you left for India. Didn’t you know?”
Meshulum sat there motionless, staring straight ahead of him in total silence. Not a tear went down his face. His face looked frozen like that of a statute not showing any outward emotion.
But the moment he went back to his hotel room he lay down on his bed and began to cry bitterly. His pillow was soon as wet as a sponge that had fallen into the water. He could get no sleep. He could eat no food. He fell into a state of deep depression and just didn’t want to get out of bed. He had lost his will to live. Everything around him had turned black. He felt all alone; abandoned, destroyed. His heart was filled with intense pain and his head bent down in great sorrow. His friends tried to cheer him up but it was all to no avail. Their words fell on deaf ears as he stared blankly at the cracked ceiling above him.
Finally, one day, as if by some miracle, he jumped out of bed and told his friends that he was leaving. He was going to Israel. He wanted to visit the Wailing Wall. His friends tried to talk him out of it and even made fun at his suggestion, but Meshulum was very stubborn and persistent. He went straight to a travel agent and bought a ticket on the first possible flight.
As soon as his plane landed, he wasted no time and took the first available taxi straight to Yerushalayim and made his way to the Kosel. With great trepidation and awe, he walked over to the holy wall and hugged its massive ancient stones washed by years of tears. He lay his head down on one of its stones that had heard and seen so much pain and suffering, and he too, began to cry. He cried for the past and for the present, and for the dark and gloomy future which he now faced all alone. He cried out for the terrible pain he had caused his father. How could he ever receive forgiveness for such a great sin? His hot tears ran down his cheeks forming a small puddle at his feet. They came from the innermost chambers of his heart. How could he have forsaken everything that was dear and precious to him in exchange for some fleeting and passing momentary pleasures?
“Father, father,” he cried out from the very depth of his heart. “Look down from heaven at your dear lost child. Take be back into your arms once again and hold on to me and don’t let me fall. How I miss your warmth and your loving kisses. Forgive me for all the hurt and pain I have caused you. I know that I don’t deserve it but please understand. I meant you no harm. I was just being misled by my burning yetzer horah who enticed me with all his promises of worldly pleasures. Please, daddy, pray for me. Intercede on my behalf to our Father in Heaven. I’m sure He’ll understand. You’ve taught me that nothing in the world can close the gates of repentance. You told me that the gate of tears is always open. Talk to me! Say something. Give me a sign that you can hear me!”
An old man who had been standing next to him and heard his cries walked over to him and advised him to write down his request on a small piece of paper and insert it into the Wall. He thereupon took a piece of paper and with great embarrassment and with a trembling hand he began to write the following words. Father, I am here in the holy city of Yerushalayim and stand at the Western Wall. If your holy neshama sees me from the heavens above, I beseech you, my dearest father, please forgive me for what I have done. I did not intend to hurt you. My evil desire that burned in my heart like a raging fire got hold of me and brought me to this terrible state. I am truly ashamed of all I’ve done and hereby repent for the sins I’ve committed, and promise never to repeat them again. I promise you from the very depths of my heart that I will change my way of life and return to the ways that you and mother have taught me. Please, my dear father, I beseech you, forgive me.
“Your everlasting son, Meshulum, who loves you forever and misses you so very much.”
More tears streamed down his face but now he began to feel a little relieved and began looking for a crack in the wall to slip in his piece of paper. Strangely, every time he put the note into the wall it slipped out and fell to the floor. It seemed to him that he was receiving a heavenly message that said that he was beyond help and that his sins were too great to be forgiven.
Finally he decided to try and find a place up higher and slip his paper into one of the deeper cracks of the wall. Thank G-d, this time the paper remained in place and didn’t fall out. But, strangely, from the very crack into which he placed his paper another paper fell to the floor. As he picked up the paper to stick it back into the Kosel he noticed the word “Meshulum” written on the outside. He looked at it in amazement and noticed that it was definitely his father’s handwriting. He immediately opened it up and began reading its contents.
“Almighty G-d, please have mercy and pity on my son Meshulum son of Rivka who has traveled to India. I love and treasure him and I fully forgive him from the very bottom of my heart for all he has done to me. When I parted from him at the airport I got very angry and said that I will never forgive him. But, I’ve since had a change my mind, and now truly forgive him for everything he’s done to me. I pray to You, our Father in Heaven, that You, too, forgive him and put the will into his heart to repent for his sins. I pray that the day will soon come that he will marry a true religious, G-d fearing girl and merit to raise holy, pure children who will live a life of Torah and mitzvos.”
“Your humble servant;
Yossef ben Malka”
As Meshulum finished reading the letter he sat down and began to sob like a small child. He then took a siddur into his hand and began saying Kaddish for his father. He said it loud and with great emotion, mustering every fiber in his body until it pierced the heavens above. The people all around him answered a loud Amen.
When he left the Kosel, he was a full fledged baal teshuva. As the Gemora says, “One can earn his share in the World-to-Come in just one moment.” Today, Meshulum is happily married and has four beautiful children, each one nicer than the other. His father’s prayers were answered. No prayer is ever lost. No one will be left behind. If we just open our heart like the small hole of a needle, Hashem will in turn open it up as wide as the door of the ulom that leads straight into the holy of holies.
Please note: The above story was based on a true story appearing in the Sefer Oleinu L’Shabeiach,” by Rav Silberstein, and can be found in volume Devorim 2 Parshas Nitzovim page 273.

Congratulations! Mr. Peres

In my name and in the name of all my freedom fighters, I would like to congratulate all the very wise members of the Israeli Knesset for their momentous decision in choosing the great visionary of the Oslo Peace Accords, Israel’s elderly statesmen, and my personal partner in peace, the eminent Simon Peres, as the new President of Israel.
I am sure we can count on him to make a secure and lasting peace between Fattah and Hamas. You certainly could not have made a wiser choice.

Your good old dear friend Yassir Arafat who awaits your imminent arrival
P.S. Please bring along a fire extinguisher; it’s very hot here.

Bilam’s Power of Sorcery Revealed

One of the greatest sorcerers who ever lived was Bilam. In fact it was Bilam who was hired by King Balak to use his sorcery to try and curse the Jews but he blessed them instead. This seemingly contradicts the Rambam who claims that there is no such thing as sorcery or black magic. The meforshim find this Rambam very difficult to understand since it seemingly contradicts a parsha in the Torah.
In order to answer this apparent contradiction, let’s remember that Bilam was a prophet who had the extraordinary power to know the moment of the day that Hashem became angry. The Gemorah in Brochos tells us that any curse said at that moment would come true. It was this knowledge that Bilam used in order to destroy his enemies. While he made believe that it was his magical incantations and sorcery that killed his enemies this was only a cover-up for his real powers. He knew that it was really Hashem who did the actual killing, and all his supposed magical abilities were just a camouflage. He knew that as long as Hashem did not get angry, his “sorcery,” which was in reality his curse said at the appropriate time, would not work. The Gomorah tells us that during all the days that Bilam tried to curse the Jews Hashem withheld His anger. Bilam waited for this moment of anger but it never came and therefore blessed the Jews instead.
The Gemorah says that all magic dissolves or is undone when we say “Ein od milvado” - “There is no one but He.” When we realize that the only one who has the power to change nature is only Hashem Himself, then we will truly realize that all magic or sorcery must be nothing but a clever trick or optical illusion. This is why he told Bolok’s messengers that he needed G-d’s permission to go along with them. Even after getting a no he thought he could get Hashem to change His mind if he could get the Jews to sin.
All of magic and sorcery is an attempt at defying the laws of nature that Hashem created. According to the Rambam, they are nothing but clever tricks. In ancient times, magnets were used to suspend the two golden calves, giving the appearance that the calves possessed godly powers. G-d’s holy Name was used to get the golden calf to proclaim “I am god your god.” Magic and sorcery are forbidden by the Torah because it easily leads one to believe that idols have powers of their own and therefore people begin to worship them.

Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum